特別講演 1
7月28日(金)午後2時から午後3時 第1会場
溝上 敏文(日本IBM Watsonヘルスケア事業開発部)
IBM Watson Health - Cognitive Computingと医療の世界
尾川 浩一(法政大学.日本医用画像工学会 学会長)
特別講演 2 第19回 医用画像認知研究会と合同
7月29日(土)午後1時10分から午後2時10分 第1会場
Martin Stumpe(Google Research)
Deep Learning for Medical Imaging
藤田 広志(岐阜大学.JAMIT2017大会長)
Deep learning has revolutionized machine learning in recent years, and its applications are progressing into more and more areas beyond visual object recognition. This talk will provide an overview of deep learning in computer vision and the various applications Google has pursued in this area, before addressing how deep learning is starting to impact medical imaging. Two topics will be highlighted in particular: The first application is the use of deep learning in Ophthalmology to diagnose a disease called diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy is a degradation of the retina caused by diabetes, and is one of the world’s leading causes for blindness. If diagnosed early enough, it can easily be treated and vision loss prevented. However, due to shortage of doctors, in particular in developing countries, many patients suffer irreversible loss of vision before they are able to get a diagnosis. The second application is the use of deep learning in Pathology. Rendering cancer diagnoses on biopsy images is a highly complex process that requires years of expert training, involves reviewing extremely large images to find literally the needle in the haystack, and classifying tissue with very high inter-class similarity. These are tasks at which humans are traditionally not very good at, and indeed the current state of cancer diagnostics leaves much to be desired. Deep learning has the potential to help with these challenges, and will enable tools to assist doctors for increasing the availability and the accuracy of medical diagnostics.